Saturday, July 18, 2009

All Out of Sorts...

So, it seems we've been an incomplete family for months. It's probably been a month in all reality but we are beginning to feel the effects...

My hubby was at a convention in the middle of June, we were all together for a week, then the kiddos and I headed to the TX Panhandle to stay with my nephews for another week and now, this week, Daddy's gone again.

Personally, I have eaten two entire boxes of Cocoa Puffs since Wednesday...the fault is my own, but I'd like to blame it on separation anxiety.

My daughter's favorite words have become one of the many derivatives of "me", me, my, myself, mine...most often in a louder than necessary voice, oh, that and "No!".

My son, who is the easiest baby to put to sleep I have EVER seen, has begun crying, and crying, and crying when I lay him down. And, at times, he simply cannot be consoled. FYI, for new mommies, don't try to calm a screaming, angry, baby by encouraging him to nurse. It can be detrimental to mama's health!

As for my husband, I don't know exactly how he's fairing, but I'm sure he misses us as much as we miss him.

Oh how we miss:

- hearing the garage door go up, so we can run through the house screaming, "Daddy, Daddy" and "Hubby, Hubby."

- trips to "owes" (Lowes), so a little girl and her daddy can spend time together and a mommy can get the floor mopped (or some blogs read).

- piggy-back rides, wrestling on the floor and hide and go seek with daddy.

- night-night with daddy, this praying over the phone is getting old.

- splashing in the tub...mommy's not nearly as patient with big splashes.

Come home soon, Daddy!!


  1. Awww...not sure why but for some reason this made me teary. Maybe because it's apparent what a closeknit family you are and how much you love each other. I'm so happy for you! Oh, and hope your hubby is home soon, I feel the same way when mine travels a bunch.

  2. Hey Monica...I feel (some of) your pain. Scott is gone this week, coming home for the weekend, and then off again for another week in SF. But I don't have two little ones...just two big ones who would rather ignore their mother! :/ I pray for strength for you...and peace...and joy...and patience...hey, this sounds like something! :)
